Party building work

The Second General Party Branch and the Yunnan Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly carried out the 2023 National Science Popularization Day free clinic theme Party Day activities


       2023919日,By Yunnan Science and Technology Association, etc18Department held in Yunnan Province2023The National Science Popularization Day was held in Biji Cultural Park, Xishan District, Kunming。The theme of this event isWe will improve the scientific quality of the people and help them become self-reliant in science and technologyShi Yugang, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended and announced the launch of the event。


The Second General Party Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine and the Yunnan Society of Chinese Medicine jointly carried out the theme of free diagnosis Party Day activities at the launch ceremony。The free clinic experts are chief physician Li Xiao, Deputy chief physician Wu Wei and deputy chief nurse Xia Lirong from the Second Party General branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine。The experts patiently asked about the condition, took the pulse to open the prescription or external treatment, and provided traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of senile diseases, spleen and stomach diseases, anorectal diseases and other aspects for the masses at the event, as well as external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics such as ear point pressure and acupressure。

The people who came to participate in the activity flocked to the free clinic area, and at the same time, the site also provided health consultation, disease prevention and control and health rehabilitation, daily diet and other traditional Chinese medicine health education guidance, so that the masses can deeply experience and understand the traditional Chinese medicine health culture。According to statistics, this is a total of visits50The remaining patients received health consultation and health guidance200Yu people, distribute promotional materials300余册。


The second General Party Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine and the Yunnan Society of Chinese Medicine jointly carried out the Party branch2023年全国科普日义诊主题党日活动,是认真贯彻习近平总书记关于科技创新、科学普及重要论述的具体体现,是党建联建聚合力的一次新探索。The free clinic activities have brought the high-quality medical services of the top three hospitals to the masses, realizing the health services of traditional Chinese medicineZero distanceTo enhance the accessibility and sense of access of the masses to TCM services。



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General branch work dynamics

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